To roommate or not
So, I have never stayed alone.
Well for a few hours perhaps; okay perhaps a few days at max.
But most of my life I have lived by sharing space with other soul(s) some closer than others and some indifferent. I currently live with a roommate downtown and I overall really like my place. It's not updated with all the modern ammenities but it is big and spacious and close to everything - so much that I haven't had to take public transport for almost a year!! Okay, perhaps that says something else about me.. hmm
Anyways, back to the topic. My current living situation is something that has been bothering me a lot these days. I stay with a roommate currently (for the last 2 years) and while we are more or less compatible with no major issues, I always find myself very stressed and unhappy when I am home around her. I blame this to her habit of creating clutter everywhere but in reality I think I have reached a stage where I really want my own space with its (and my) own identity.
But ofcourse like any other decision this too cannot be easy!
My options are as follows:
a.) Live alone in my current space
I really like my place
No headache of moving
No lease
Great location
$$$$ - It would cost me more than double of what I currently pay! :(
I would really like a more updated place
Increased cost of hydro and internet
b.) Find another place in the same neighbourhood
I can move to a more updated place
$$$$$ - They are all pretty darn expensive
They are pretty much the size of a closet
Will come with a lease
c.) Live somewhere remote where the rent is less
Save $$$S
I can move to a more updated place
Get a place that is more spacious than a closet (hopefully)
May never go into work
May die out of sheer boredom
May become a couch potato
Will need a car
Will still not be rich
The biggest dilema that I am facing currently is regarding the finances. And what perhaps make it even worse is the fact that I have a travelling job which keeps me out of Vancouver 3 nights a week! 'Are 4 nights in my home in Vancouver worth extra $800' - is the million dollar question that I am trying to solve. Is this the cost of being stressfree and happy and being comfortable in my own home? Is a roommate worth the financial benefit?
Financially, I can afford it. But SHOULD I?
In this battle of "personal" versus "finances" who would emerge victorious?
Stay tuned till I make a decision :)
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