It has been 4 weeks of self isolation and social distancing.
Both words which are still quite new but will forever mean something to all of us going forward.
4 weeks for just being home. Well, primarily being home baring a few walks on deserted streets and the occasional run to groceries.
At times it feels like I am living is some alien dystopian world - like the ones I have only read about in books or watched in movies and shows (Black Mirror anyone?).
If you are reading it sometime way way way in the future and this feels normal, know that we have done it all wrong and failed you. But if this seems strange, let me remind you where in the history of mankind we are.
The year is 2020 - the shiny new decade which started with a lot of promise. I for one was very excited about it as magical things were supposed to happen and I was supposed to reach all my goals this year!
Will I reach all my goals staying home? Well, only time will tell.
But why am I stuck home you ask - well there is something in the air called the Corona virus or known more commonly by its unsexy moniker COVID-19 and right now it is running lose and is dangerous and about to get mankind.
Over these days of self isolation, 28 to be exact, I have been spending a lot of time by myself and have gone through a whole roller coaster of emotions - disregard, arrogance, disbelief, anxiety, loneliness, acceptance, gratitude, love, calmness and admiration.
But these 28 days have also taught me some valuable lessons which I would like to share with you all.
10 Lessons from the virus:
1.) Health and human relationships are what we need to value the most and is alsowhat we take for granted the most
2.) Art saves
3.) We don't need a lot
4.) We have a lot
5.) Human beings are kind, innovative, tenacious and adaptive (also sometimes stupid, greedy and selfish)
6.) In a society that is constantly asking us to do more, move faster, climb higher what we really need perhaps is the opposite - slow down, do less, be still
7.) Bring it back to the basics: Breathe, move, meditate, sing, dance, cook, read, listen, build, create, love, hug, sleep and repeat
8.) Courage AND fear not Courage OR Fear
9.) Nourish - Its never to late and its never completely lost. Given the right input everything can regenerate itself and flourish. Lessons for the nature circa Spring 2020
10.) Thank god for INTERNET!
I would love to hear about your experiences during this time - what are you doing? How are you feeling? What's keeping you grounded and sane?
Where ever you are I hope you are safe and healthy!